可以肯定的是,最近的部分税收改革让你有点困惑,或者非常困惑. If that’s the case, you’re not alone. According to one survey, the new tax law confuses 77% of respondents. 这种困惑是可以理解的——当涉及到任何税收变化时,有很多变化的部分.

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tutbotax 是否总是最新的表格和100%准确的计算. 与tutbotax, 你可以完全自信地报税,并获得最大可能的退税, 保证. AND, as a credit union member you can 最多节省15美元 on tutbotax 联邦产品. Click here to access tutbotax 还有你的积蓄!

To help clear up the confusion, Arbor Financial Credit Union提供了你应该知道的5大税改变化:

1. 低er Tax 利率 and Changed Income Ranges

原税法中保留的7级税率仍然存在,但一些税率降低了. The 收入 thresholds at which the rates apply also change.

  • The former brackets were: 10%, 15%, 25%, 28%, 33%, 35%, and 39.6%

  • The new brackets are: 10%, 12%, 22%, 24%, 32%, 35%, and 37%

对于单身和已婚的共同申报人来说,这些收入的起征点发生了变化, 也.

Married-Joint Filers Chart

Insight for Arbor Financial Credit Union Members

这些变化使得这是一个很好的时间来检查减免,可以把你放在一个较低的税收等级,减轻你的税收负担. Available options include an 爱尔兰共和军, 529 plan, HSA, or similar tactics.

2. Tax Relief for Individuals and Families

Increased standard deduction:
The new tax law nearly doubles the standard deduction amount. Standard deductions for single taxpayers jump from $6,350 for 2017 taxes to $12,000 for 2018 taxes (the ones filed in 2019). 已婚夫妇共同申请的费用从12,700美元增加到24,000美元. These increases mean that fewer people will have to itemize. Today, roughly 30% of taxpayers itemize. Under the new law, this percentage is expected to decrease.

Increased Child Tax Credit:
对于有孩子的家庭,儿童税收抵免从每个孩子1000美元增加到2000美元. In addition, the refundable amount grows from $1,100 to $1,400. 该法案为子女以外的受抚养人增加了一项新的、不可退还的500美元抵免. 最后, 它提高了从110美元开始逐步取消这些福利的收入门槛,000 for a married couple to $400,000.

Insight for Arbor Financial Credit Union Members
While parents are putting away money for their children’s education, available information suggests they’re not saving enough. 儿童税收抵免的增加转化为通过529计划增加此类资金的机会. 这样做有效地增加了抵免,因为529计划资金是递延的(如果用于合格的教育费用,则完全免税)。. 如果你是一位家长,徘徊在教育成本和资金解决方案的迷宫中, 这种方法是一个非常好的再投资机会,值得仔细考虑.

3. Eliminations or Reductions in Deductions

个人 and dependent exemptions:
该法案取消了4美元的个人和家属免税额,050 in 2017 and are expected to increase to $4,150 in 2018.

State and local taxes/home 抵押贷款:
The bill limits the amount of state and local property, 收入, and sales taxes that can be deducted to $10,000. In the past, these taxes have generally been fully tax deductible. 该法案还规定,购买新房的抵押贷款债务可以扣除的利息上限为750美元,000, 从1美元下降,000,现行法律规定的000.
该法案取消了2018年12月31日之后没有医疗保险的税收罚款. 它还暂时将自付医疗费用可以扣除的最低限额从原来的10%降低到7%.2017年和2018年为5%. So for 2017 and 2018, medical expenses greater than 7.调整后总收入的5%可以扣除,而不是更高的10%.

4. Alternative Minimum Tax Exemptions Increased


  • 已婚夫妇共同申报的费用从84,500美元(经通货膨胀调整)降至109,400美元

  • 单个纳税人从54300美元(经通货膨胀调整)减至70300美元

The result: fewer taxpayers will pay the AMT.

Insight for Arbor Financial Credit Union Members
AMT exemptions were not originally indexed for inflation, 这意味着越来越多的纳税人有资格纳税(因为他们的工资增加了)。. 

5. Eliminations and Reductions for Small 十大最好的网赌平台es

The bill has a myriad of changes for business. The biggest includes a reduction in the top corporate rate to 21%, 对某些类型的“传递”实体(合伙企业)的收入进行20%的新扣除, 年代队, sole proprietorships), limits on expensing of interest from borrowing, 几乎是2017年第179条510美元的小企业支出金额的两倍,000 to $1,000,000, and eliminates the corporate alternative minimum tax (AMT).

Don’t worry about memorizing the new tax laws, tutbotax 您是否已投保,并将及时了解最新的表格和100%准确的计算. AND,你可以 最多节省15美元 on tutbotax 联邦产品. When you are ready to file, 按此进入 tutbotax 还有你的积蓄!

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